This neighborhood is a strong seller’s market with values that have appreciated 6.7% over the past year and forecast to increase 6.2 over the next 12 months.

Sale 1 is in closest proximity but in only a 3 unit, inferior in bed and bath count but has some updating. S2 although somewhat distant is a comparable sale, superior in condition with all units tenant occupied. It is only a 3-unit inferior in bed and bath count.

An additional supporting listing at $220,000, equal in unit count, inferior in bed and bath count, slightly smaller in GLA, MLS comments all-cash sale with only exterior photos available. Exterior photos show fair condition and deferred maintenance.

Estimated As-Is-Value: $125,000
Estimated ARV: $275,000 – $300,000 | Purchase Price: $100000 | Return on Investment: 13.16%">
This neighborhood is a strong seller’s market with values that have appreciated 6.7% over the past year and forecast to increase 6.2 over the next 12 months.

Sale 1 is in closest proximity but in only a 3 unit, inferior in bed and bath count but has some updating. S2 although somewhat distant is a comparable sale, superior in condition with all units tenant occupied. It is only a 3-unit inferior in bed and bath count.

An additional supporting listing at $220,000, equal in unit count, inferior in bed and bath count, slightly smaller in GLA, MLS comments all-cash sale with only exterior photos available. Exterior photos show fair condition and deferred maintenance.

Estimated As-Is-Value: $125,000
Estimated ARV: $275,000 – $300,000 | Purchase Price: $100000 | Return on Investment: 13.16%">
This neighborhood is a strong seller’s market with values that have appreciated 6.7% over the past year and forecast to increase 6.2 over the next 12 months.

Sale 1 is in closest proximity but in only a 3 unit, inferior in bed and bath count but has some updating. S2 although somewhat distant is a comparable sale, superior in condition with all units tenant occupied. It is only a 3-unit inferior in bed and bath count.

An additional supporting listing at $220,000, equal in unit count, inferior in bed and bath count, slightly smaller in GLA, MLS comments all-cash sale with only exterior photos available. Exterior photos show fair condition and deferred maintenance.

Estimated As-Is-Value: $125,000
Estimated ARV: $275,000 – $300,000 | Purchase Price: $100000 | Return on Investment: 13.16%">

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{{ }}
{{ }}
{{ }}
{{ }}

Property Report: {{ ? : (property.address_line1 + ', ' + }} PRIVATE FIX & FLIP RENTAL WHOLESALE PUBLISHED

Property Report

Property Report :

{{ }}

{{ property.address_line1 }}{{ ' ' + property.address_line2 }}{{ (', ' + + ', ' ) }}{{ property.state +' '}}{{ }}

Created on: {{ new Date().toLocaleDateString('en', {day:'numeric',month:'short',year:'numeric'}) }}

Author: {{ }} {{ }}

Company: {{ }}

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            {{ $data | json }}