Real Estate Investment Software – Benefit Realtors Should Tap Into

Arguably, realtors and real estate agents are the most demanding profession that requires a high level of thoroughness and professionalism. A typical day in the life of a real estate agent or realtor involves paying close attention to the workings of the real estate market, having to work with buyers request no matter how outrageous it seems – including having to deal with clients that want a hilltop residence on a $4000 budget – and lots more. Realtors are also faced with having to accurately valuate, forecast and determine the best possible price for a property within a given area. This is tiring no doubt but thanks to the ingenuity of a seasoned realtor, all these can be done with a single click on the “application for the future” the ZILCULATOR.

Our software – zilculator, has been made specifically to fit the need of homebuyers, investors, and realtors to make an informed investment decision both for now and the future.

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I will walk you through how our real estate investment software features can be of help to you and its advantage to your business.

The property analysis software can be very easy to use as its user-friendly. It has pop ups to make sure you successfully scale through adding a new case study.

For homebuyers, zilculator is being incorporated into Zillow zestimate, it helps to give you an accurate amount of rent in all location – this is priceless in property analysis, helping to make a wise decision.

Using the real estate investment software is a tremendous help for investors. It helps in comparing of properties in just a single click. It also does real estate analysis, brands your report in your company name, and enable you to export in pdf format. You can also decide to export your report, data analysis onto social media for friends and clients to see. It makes people look at you more as an authority in the field.

If you are wondering how to combine some different variables like rent price or purchase price, as they will have an effect on return on investment – never worry, the property evaluator will combine all variables, make another scenario to give you the best investment decision you can make. It offers the best of investment property evaluation resource for realtors because we have added all they need to make a success of their career in the shortest possible time. For example, we are currently integrating the MLS features, craigslist templates, flyers, and unlimited number of properties scattered all over the United States and beyond – you will love it.

Benefits of Using Zilculator

It puts you in charge

When you have adequate information in property analysis, it makes you look more professional to clients who in turn will turn to you anytime they need advice.

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Simple to operate

Unlike other software, operating zilculator is not a rocket science. All the features discussed above can be done and achieved in less than 2 minutes. It’s designed in a way to put you through even if you are a first time user.

Gets you prepared

A lot of realtor, investors and real estate agents lose some businesses due to the fact that they were not ready for a presentation or discussion/closing a deal on the spot. This will never happen again with our property evaluator. With just few clicks, you are ready to make investment property analysis even years into the future.

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Input flexibility

You don’t have to work with the figures on the software. You can import your own figures to give you an analysis of the reality of what you are looking at. It could make you see a great investment opportunity or abandon the opportunity.

So don’t hesitate and sign up TODAY! Note: We offer substantial discounts for large real estate agencies. Contact Us to find out more.