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Purchase summary
Premium (Yearly): 1 year prepaid at AppSumo
Today's charge: $0.00
Total billed in 1 year: $278.40
Today's charge: $0.00
Total billed in 7 days: ${{ discountedAmount | number_format null 2 }} ( ${{ (planData.interval=='month' ? (1-coupon.percent/100) * planData.amount / 100 : (1-coupon.percent/100) * planData.amount / 1200) | number_format null 2}}/mo for 12 months every month)
Total billed in 7 days: ${{ discountedAmount | number_format null 2 }} (${{ (planData.interval=='month' ? (planData.amount-coupon.amount_off) / 100 : (planData.amount-coupon.amount_off) / 1200) | number_format null 2}}/mo for 12 months every month)
What people say
Zilculator is the tool I have been searching for!! This system is by far the easiest product I have used for analysis of properties.
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